-WindowPatch- v0.2 (07.01.99) Introduction ************ Patches OpenWindow(),OpenWindowTagList(),ActivateWindow() and disables window activation when opening window or someone tries to activate it. Also fix for WA_Width,WA_Height to use with VisualPrefs if window borders are wider than originals. Distribution ************ Copyright (C) 1999 Juha 'Asa' Pinola WindowPatch is available as freeware. That is, it may be freely distributed in unmodified form with no changes what so ever, but you may not charge more than a nominal fee covering distribution costs. However, donations are welcome. If you use this software in a commercial or shareware software product, please consider giving the author and preferably each one of the contributors an original or registered version of your work. If you wish to distribute this software with a hardware product, contact the author. Distribution of WindowPatch with hardware products is not free. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **************************************** Installing ---------- Just copy WindowPatch to c:. And WINDOWPATCH_PATTERNS to s: or where ever you like. Add a line "run >nil: c:WindowPatch s:WINDOWPATCH_PATTERNS >nil:" to s:startup-sequence PatchControl or SetMan recommended ! Works fine on any 68k CPUs. (if doesn't work with KS2.x or lower, please let me know) **************************************** The Author ---------- The author can be reached at the following addresses: Electronic mail jpinola@cs.joensuu.fi World-Wide Web http://cs.joensuu.fi/~jpinola IRC: Asa/#amigafin/#amycoders **************************************** Example PATTERN files: --- clip --- # disable activation for these patterns # Usage: "WP=WIN_PATTERN/K,TP=TASK_PATTERN/K,PA=PATTERN_ACTIVATE/S,PO=PATTERN_OPEN/S,ADD_WIDTH/K/N,ADD_HEIGHT/K/N" # You must set one of the flags (/S) or nothing will not happen # # Disable OpenWindow() activation with AmIRC. tp "AmIRC" PO # # Disables only ActivateWindow() for this pattern wp "#?Some_Other_Program#?" PA # # Fix Width/Height for Delitrackers MPEG Audio status wp "MPEG Audio status" ADD_WIDTH 6 ADD_HEIGHT 4 --- clip end --- **************************************** Command line parameters: "PATTERNS" PATTERNS = To set your PATTERN file (default name: WINDOWPATCH_PATTERNS) **************************************** Pattern file parameters: "WP=WIN_PATTERN/K,TP=TASK_PATTERN/K, PA=PATTERN_ACTIVATE/S,PO=PATTERN_OPEN/S,ADD_WIDTH/K/N,ADD_HEIGHT/K/N" WIN_PATTERN = Pattern for window name TASK_PATTERN = Pattern for task name PA = Disable activation with ActiveWindow() PO = Disable activation with OpenWindow() ADD_WIDTH = Add this number to windows width ADD_HEIGHT = Add this number to windows height **************************************** Notes and bugs: You can remove patches with CTRL-C or sending Break. **************************************** History: -------------- v 0.2 + Added ADD_WIDTH/K/N,ADD_HEIGHT/K/N - Commandline parameters changed. -------------- v 0.1 + First public version of WindowPatch